Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Monday, 30 August 2010

little shopping

Some stuff I bought today. Scarf, gloves and a hat. In London it can be cold any time, you never know what to expect ;) so you have to be ready all the time!

p.s and I am also looking forward some new UGGS Boots :)

Now I am thinking of blue colour. Something like that:

ISCM'10 pics

Summer summer summer. What a great time

ISCM and the others <3

The last days of summer and spring comes to us! Some people start school on the 1st, some on the 7th and some on the 13nth ;D I am one of those who starts school on 13nth!
I wanted to share a bit of my memories from my summer'10. Beginning of the holiday I spent in Crimea in our summer house :) where I could enjoy the sun and the sea with my family, relatives and family friends. After that I visited Moscow for a few days, my aunt, friends and cousin. And in august I went to Crans-Montana, Switzerland where I had 3 unforgeable weeks with the most amazing people! I got to know lots lots of amazing people that I will never forget. Thank you guys that you made my summer that brilliant! :*
and here are some pictures that I want to show you:

First we had a fashion show in ISCM :) and I had to present Kindergarten
Thats me and Karim rocking the catwalk!

Its me and Lil Wayne also known as Abdulaziz and the most amazing and fannyest man

and of course some D I S C O S and clubs