Monday, 14 June 2010

my heart belongs to daddy

clean skin

I was wondering, girls. What do you use for your face and body? And what brands? I can personally say that I really like CLINIQUE. They have very nice lotions, moisturisers, cleansers, mask and make up! I want to share some products that I really like :)
So the first moisturiser from the Anti-Blemish system. It prevents future breakouts and control excess oil. And help for peeling and dryness.
On the second picture is a liquid facial soap. Removes make up easily. Also a good thing to use it with this lotion (3) after you wash your face. You can find more lotions for YOUR type of skin in the closest CLINIQUE shop to you or on their web site:
1)Anti-Blemish Solutions Clearing Moisturizer

2)Liquid Facial Soap
3)Clarifying Lotion 2



There are lots of pictures come to my mind when I think of summer. First of all, its a white summer dress or a long dress. Without it you just cant go to the vacation! And may be some big glasses? I already wrote about white dresses and summer Tatler :D now I want to show yuo some glasses you might like ;)

Prada. Caramel

  • Ungaro Paris Vintage. Brown Honey

Beautiful Vintage Christian Dior. White

WhiteJean Paton. Brown/ White

Linda Farrow. Yellow Gold

Oversize. Square-frame. Metal with graduated light brown lenses

Ans I'm just in love with the BALENCIAGA glasses! Its GORGEOUS

Go for GLAM


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Sunday, 13 June 2010

few pics from today

my crazy ''LAKE'' look
my best friend Lucie


After a long night last night, and few hours of sleep, in the morning I had to get up very early to go fishing with my family and some of our friends. We had so much fun outside of London and pretty good weather. The new I want t share with you, girls :p hihi!!! Benefit made a Eye Bright pen, IT Stick (I like the name of it :) and Bad Gal Pencil :D
I was very happy when I discover new pencils ;p hihi. Here it is:

Bad Gal Pencil by Benefit

IT Stick by Benefit

Eye Bright by Benefit

Also I want to get this SUGARBOMB
With winter's harsh effects and the lack of color in our faces, we all could use a lil' sugar right about now. Benefit's new Sugarbomb provides a delicious rush of flush with four unique shades of rose, shimmering pink, soft plum, and peach all blended together perfectly. Giving you nothing but an amazingly beautiful glow.

Have a good Sunday everyone ;)

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Miss Happiness/ London Birds in Oxford

Two days ago, we had trip to Oxford and Kent with my school. We were lucky with the weather in Oxford, and in Kent but on the second day there it was very cold :( so it wasn't very fashionable. Instead of fashion, we had very beautiful views, architecture and amazing history. :D and here are some pictures from my trip.
On this pic Im wearing pents from mango, american apparel shirt, h&m scarf, lv bag and kurt geiger flats.

London shirt from a tourist shop in London, abercrombie & fitch jeans and my favourite converse with double upper hi.

Having dinner in our hotel

and here are some cute pics I took in Kent :)

and I'm in love with this bike :p


Sunday, 6 June 2010

Chanel Cruise Collection.

In May Chanel had a fashion show for their new collection called Chanel Cruise Collection. It took place in St Tropez. It was in a small port :) very fresh and gives you lots of new ideas of the looks and colours.

Obviously the most beautiful model of the show was Russian model Natalia Poly.

I really liked the mix of colours and some impressing (new) style by Chanel. Before this collection, Chanel made a collection of very nice sandals, and sandals on a very comfortable, not very high platform. VIDEO:

Abercrombie & Fitch

While I'm doing my BIO essay in my garden and enjoying a good weather in my garden ;) I decided to wear my shirt and t-shit from Abercrombie & Fitch. Its very comfortable and nice. Here is the picture of the shirt I'm wearing (the link: )

I couldn't find the t-shirt but you can see it on the pictures of me
+ Im wearing black legging and beige converse
the t-shirt
and the shirt that I showed you in the link above.


Hej, everyone! I wanted to show you some of my summer sets that I made just now. I was inspired by the London weather and my green garden ;p I think these sets can show you how I feel right now and something fresh and new :)

Enjoy ;)

p.s the title of this post is (londonweatherinspiration) theres no mistake ;) london-weather-inspiration

p.s should I write the brands of the clothes under the sets, or just leave it as it is? thnx

Saturday, 5 June 2010


2 Days ago we had Sports Day in school. Its the day when we do lots of sports. We go to a park, teacher divided us onto the teams. Each team has its own colour. (my tean was P!NK) and we have to run the track. Each pearson has to run, 100/200/400 or 800. If the person from your team comes first you get more and more points. After this we can do swimming, tennis, football, volleyball and other different things.
It was so much fun, because you go there for all day and enjoy a good weather, friends and sports :) here are some pictures of me and my friends :) Check it:

(that's me)

my best friend



Im wearing:
TopShop hut
Abercombie top
Solemio shorts
white and pink vintage jacket
and white bag with metallic handles