Sunday, 13 June 2010


After a long night last night, and few hours of sleep, in the morning I had to get up very early to go fishing with my family and some of our friends. We had so much fun outside of London and pretty good weather. The new I want t share with you, girls :p hihi!!! Benefit made a Eye Bright pen, IT Stick (I like the name of it :) and Bad Gal Pencil :D
I was very happy when I discover new pencils ;p hihi. Here it is:

Bad Gal Pencil by Benefit

IT Stick by Benefit

Eye Bright by Benefit

Also I want to get this SUGARBOMB
With winter's harsh effects and the lack of color in our faces, we all could use a lil' sugar right about now. Benefit's new Sugarbomb provides a delicious rush of flush with four unique shades of rose, shimmering pink, soft plum, and peach all blended together perfectly. Giving you nothing but an amazingly beautiful glow.

Have a good Sunday everyone ;)


  1. what do u think of it?

  2. I didn't try IT Stick yet, Katarina. I only used Eye Bright and it really works. Hope I helped :) Alexandra x
